Arkansas Part 2: Capitol Invite and Walmart Sponsorship
While in Oklahoma, we got some unexpected news from Arkansas that the governor AND Walmart had heard about us and wanted to meet.
That night we drove to Bennington, Arkansas, where we met the next morning with Chad Manning, the Head of Fishing for Walmart. He had heard how we were sleeping in Walmart parking lots almost every night on our trip. At our meeting they unexpectedly had some news cameras there, and were really helpful to us. We got a lot of new gear from them, some hefty gift cards to help us along the way, and some great press coverage. This would not be the last time Walmart helped us out.
The next day, we headed to Little Rock, where we had the amazing opportunity to meet Governor Asa Hutchinson, who had seen us in the news and wanted to meet us.
We got to take some pictures and talk fishing for a few minutes before he had to run off and do some Governor things, and then one of his staff members Jay gave us a full tour of the Capitol building. We got to sit in on the State House and Senate, and learned all the history behind the building and the city of Little Rock. He sent us on our way with a jug of his homemade sweet tea and honorary Arkansan certificates. We then started our long journey to New Mexico.