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Switching it up in Vermont #8

We started off in Vermont at Lake Carmi, trying to catch a walleye, the state warm water fish. This was our first taste of fishing in the cold as Vermont hit an unseasonable early cool spell in September. We were unable to rent a boat or even enter state parks because of our VA plates, with boat rentals being closed due to COVID. This unfortunately meant we had to try from the shore. At least the shores were beautiful.

A reporter for local news station WCAX, Ike Bendavid, came out and met us at Lake Carmi to get some footage for a news segment. This was our first TV interview, and it was fun to see ourselves on the local evening news that night.

We tried several lakes in the northern part of the state, including Lake Carmi, Lake Champlain, Island Pond, and Lake Salem. We caught a huge variety of fish: bullhead, perch, pickerel, pumpkinseed and some others before moving to the Chittenden reservoir to try our luck there.

After a few long days and nights with no luck there, we decided to switch to the state cold water fish, a brook trout. We tried at Ranch brook, and using little roostertails we had our trout within two hours, and then headed to New York.



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